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Welcome to my website

Hi !, I'm Karen Triggs and thank you for visiting my website.  I help people create satisfying, pleasurable sex lives; build more connected, loving relationships; recover from trauma and navigate sexual identity and expression. 


 I am a registered art therapist and accredited psych-osexual therapist with recognised qualifications in art psychotherapy, psychology, trauma and sexology. My personal experience also gives me a deeper understanding of what it is like to live with sexual & relationship problems and to heal from trauma and my uniquely, creative approach helps me find the best possible solutions for my clients.



Ongoing frustration, loneliness and tension are all symptoms of relationship in trouble. The secret to a loving and healthy relationship lies in knowing how to keep a resilient connection, especially during times of conflict. Achieving this is, however, easier said than done! Relationship counselling will give you the tools  insight & tools essential to having a good relationship again.


Sex can be an intimate way of connecting, expressing love, having fun and enjoying pleasure but not always! Libido differences, painful sex, difficulties with arousal and orgasm often derail our sex lives.

Left unresolved or ignored sexual problems become worse causing misery and loneliness. I can help you renew sexual pleasure and intimacy in your relationships.

While we all react in different ways to experiences of trauma it is very common to feel a sense of loss, shame and sadness. Trauma often affects our relationships and enjoyment of life. Research has shown that it  is possible for survivors to rediscover the goodness in themselves, their lives and relationships through the use of specific trauma focussed therapies such as art therapy, IFS and EMDR



 Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses art to express emotions, thoughts and feelings which can be hard to put into words and has been shown to be very useful in releasing and healing trauma. You don't need to be artistic or good at art in order to benefit.  Art therapy is also an excellent way for neuro-divergent people to explore mindfulness and is useful for both individuals and couples.


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Supervision, Workshops and Groups

In addition to therapy I offer online and face to face supervision for art therapists and psychosexual therapists. I am a registered member of the College of Supervisors of the Australian Counselling Association and past President of the NSW branch of the Society of Australian Sexologists. I have  also facilitated experiential art therapy workshops for practitioners interested in integrating art therapy into their work with clients and I have designed and facilitated a number of successful group programmes for NGO’s and am invited regularly to speak at women's events. I particularly enjoy supporting neuro-divergent therapists like myself!

My practice is located in Campbelltown,NSW. For privacy reasons address details are provided once an appointment is confirmed  

My Story 
Marriage and Relationships
Common Sex Problems 
Trauma Recovery 
Art Therapy 

General Therapy Questions
Sex Therapy Questions

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Associate Member EMDRAA

Registered full member of:


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